
mars 16er SCAM Phishing Attempt - EMAIL QUOTA EXCEEDED (DO NOT CLICK)

Another round of fake emails is making its way around the US.  It once again attempts to fool you into thinking that your email storage/bandwidth is full and wants you to click on a link to verify your email credentials. If you receive an email that looks similar to the one below, THIS S A PHISHING EMAIL DO NOT CLIK ON ANYTHING. It also looks ... En savoir plus »

nov 29er Qhost123 Recent Email Bounces and RBL Lists (Blacklists)

Dear Quik Customer, We hope your holiday season is finding you well. A website vulnerability on one of the websites on our server was exploited within the past 24-48 hours and it resulted in the sending of thousands of SPAM messages from our server. This in turn caused some Blacklist companies to list our email server as a poor reputation and ... En savoir plus »